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Food Choice at Work

A University College Cork STEM spin out company


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Food Choice is a University College Cork STEM spin out company, founded by Dr Fiona Geaney and Prof Ivan Perry following extensive scientific research, resulting in over 20 peer reviewed publications on the effect of workplace dietary interventions on employees’ health. Please see  

The FCW study was a cluster controlled trial of complex workplace dietary interventions that assessed the comparative effectiveness of environmental dietary modification and nutrition education interventions, both alone and in combination versus a control workplace. The trial was conducted in four large manufacturing workplaces in Cork with a sample of 850 employees for a period of 9 months. The combined intervention, which included, nutrition education and environmental dietary modification, was associated with positive changes in employees’ dietary intakes, nutrition knowledge and health status outcomes. A reduction in absenteeism was also observed and each intervention was associated with a positive net benefit for the employers. Due to the significance of the trial findings and also due to interest from national enterprises, FCW was successfully commercialised in 2015 as a spin-out company from UCC. FCW now operates as an evidence-based, leading edge healthy eating management system for employees in both the private and public sector. Current clients range from SMEs to multi-national corporations.

FCW work directly with caterers, workplace stakeholders and employees to make fundamental positive changes to food purchasing, preparation and presentations. The employee centric methods used by FCW have been proven to improve employees diet and health and to reduce obesity and absenteeism. FCW are informed by the World Health Organisation’s Global Action Plan for the prevention of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancers and diabetes. The evidence-based programme is strongly driven by ongoing scientific research, with over twelve peer reviewed academic publications relating to FCW published to date. 

Our Vision

The Food Choice Vision is to “work with employers globally to improve the eating patterns and health status of employees with low environmental impact”.

To this end, Food Choice provides two product offerings for employees of multinational organisations as part of their Health and Wellbeing initiatives.

Current clients include Microsoft, Credit Suisse, Amgen, Pfizer, Ervia and Irish Life Health.

Offering 1 - Food Choice at Home

Food Choice at Home includes virtual personalised 1-2-1 nutrition consultations and evidence-based nutrition education

The Food Choice at Home package has been well received by both HR and Health and Wellbeing Directors who see the offering as a way to stay engaged with employees working from home and an opportunity to support employees in making healthier choices during these challenging times when normal eating patterns/dietary behaviours may have been disrupted.

Offering 2 - Food Choice at Work

Food Choice at Work  involves Food Choice nutritionists working with employers and on-site caterers to provide nutritionally balanced meals for employees working on site using the bespoke Food Choice digital platform that analyses each recipe and provides menu modification suggestions to reduce fat, salt and sugar content. Recipe labelling information can also be provided as required.

Both offerings are tailored to specific organisational requirements and can be incorporated as part of the overall Health and Wellbeing strategy supporting employees across physical, mental and nutritional health.

For more information, please visit our website


Dr. Fiona Geaney

Ms Clare Kelly





School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
